8. Next steps.
Based on the outcome of the report the stakeholder could outline what steps are planned to enhance the implementation of the priority goals and targets. It could also indicate how it will disseminate the report and its findings.
See also #vnr08 - Next steps of the #crg4VNR - Common reporting guidelines for voluntary national reviews.
Media or #OpenData
With a hashtag per article, anyone can tag content relevant to the status and implementation of the article, and share it via social media as explained at #tags in support of easy information retrieval (video on YouTube).
If you publish a website or blog, you can also embed the Twitter timeline of a hashtag as explained at How to embed a #tag timeline in your website or blog? (Video on YouTube). There is a Twitter timeline embedded at #udhr19 - Freedom of opinion & expression; to seek & receive information.
Content of #crg4VSR - Common reporting guidelines for Voluntary Stakeholder Reports
- #vsr01 - Opening statement
- #vsr02 - Highlights
- #vsr03 - Introduction
- #vsr04 - Methodology and process for preparation of the review
- #vsr05 - Enabling environment
- #vsr06 - Progress on Goals and Targets
- #vsr07 - Means of implementation
- #vsr08 - Next steps
- #vsr09 - Conclusion
- #vsr10 - Annexes