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6. Progress on Goals and Targets:

Stakeholders are encouraged to provide brief information on progress and the status for the Sustainable Development Goals and targets that are within their area of work. It would be desirable to describe critical difficulties encountered in reaching them and how they could be addressed, referring, when appropriate, to data provided in a statistical annex. The report could address some goals or targets in more depth, for instance, to illustrate innovative strategies to achieve goals, or examples that could be especially interesting for peer learning.

The consideration of Goals could focus on trends, successes, challenges, emerging issues, and lessons learned, and describe what actions have been taken to address existing gaps and challenges. It could support the identification of gaps, solutions, best practices and areas requiring advice and support. The review may examine the agreed global indicators for SDGs and related targets, but stakeholders may also choose to refer to complementary national and regional indicators. If stakeholders are doing a second and subsequent voluntary reports it would be desirable to include the progress made since the previous report.

See also #vnr06 - Progress on Goals and targets of the #crg4VNR - Common reporting guidelines for voluntary national reviews


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Content of #crg4VSR - Common reporting guidelines for Voluntary Stakeholder Reports