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5. Policy and enabling environment.

(b) Incorporation of the Sustainable Development Goals in national frameworks.
The review1 could outline critical initiatives that the country has undertaken to adapt the Sustainable Development Goals and targets to its national circumstances, and to advance their implementation including examining policy coherence and interlinkages. It may describe national efforts made to integrate the Goals into the country’s legislation, policies, plans and programmes, including the sustainable development strategy, if there is one. The countries are encouraged to be specific in identifying the main challenges and difficulties experienced in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals as a whole. Countries are encouraged – even in cases of incomplete data – to provide, as far as possible, an analysis of the causes of their SDG implementation challenges and possible ways forward, including the role of different actors. Countries could consider referring to major efforts undertaken by local authorities and non-State actors to implement the Goals, the role of science-policy interfaces, and partnerships.


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