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4. Methodology and process for preparation of the review.

This section1 may discuss the methodology that was adopted for the review, including its scope, depth and limitations and how the principles on follow-up and review from the 2030 Agenda, including paragraph 74 (#asd74 - Principles for follow-up and review processes at all levels), were used. Information on the process for preparation of the national review may be presented, including, for example, how different levels and sectors of Government contributed to the review and whether and how the whole-of-Government approach was used; whether parliaments were engaged; whether national evaluation/oversight institutions contributed; what mechanisms have been used to engage stakeholders from civil society, academia and the business sector and, where applicable, whether the UN Country Teams were engaged. The section could describe how the national report to the HLPF was discussed at the national level and who was engaged in the discussions.


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