Name: United Nations Bibliographic Information System (UNBIS)

Reference: UN Thesaurus (also in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish)

Need to Act?

The terms are organised in domains, concept schema and micro thesauri.


The multilingual UNBIS Thesaurus, created by the Dag Hammarskjöld Library, United Nations Department of Public Information, contains the terminology used in subject analysis of documents and other materials relevant to United Nations programmes and activities. It is used as the subject authority of the United Nations Bibliographic Information System (UNBIS) and has been incorporated as the subject lexicon of the United Nations Official Document System. It is multidisciplinary in scope, reflecting the Organization’s wide-ranging concerns. The terms included are meant to reflect accurately, clearly, concisely and with a sufficient degree of specificity, matters of importance and interest to the United Nations.


The thesaurus can also be downloaded at

Call to Action - #ACT4SDGs

That the terms are aligned with the classifications of the UN Statistics Division, such as ISIC, COFOG, CPC, ..