Name: #tag cloud
Need to Act?
It is and will remain free to #tagcode, or to retrieve #tagcoded information via the internet.
Ask your favorite content providers or curators to #tag code what they share.
Recommended are:
- Adoption by authors and publishers when they share non-fiction content, for instance open data with local relevance.
- Tagging of content in locally used languages.
A #tag cloud (#tagcloud) is an alphabetic term cloud with terms that include both a name and a hashtag, separated by "-".
It is typically used to easily find the #WWlgu hashtag for a geographic location as explained in the video below.
A person who codes online non-fiction content by adding its corresponding hashtags is a #tag coder.
The Actor Atlas contains #tag clouds for these geographic locations:
- Tag cloud - local government unit with #WWlgu tag,
- European Union (NUTS 3 areas)
- India (States and Districts)
- Philippines (Provinces and municipalities)
- Tanzania (Regions and Districts)
- United States (States and Counties)
The Actor Atlas also contains #tag clouds for topic dimensions that are covered by #tag pivots:
#tag pivot with topic dimension | corresponding #tag cloud |
sustainable development targets | alphabetic keyword cloud |
economic activities | alphabetic keyword cloud for economic activities |
functions of government | alphabetic keyword cloud |
Check #tag pivot for details on the use of the #tag pivots, and #tag guidelines for additional guidance and #tag resources.
Call to Action - #ACT4SDGs
All use #WWlgu hashtags when sharing local development content, as pioneered by