National SDG Report Template
Name: National SDG Report Template
Reference: UNDG Guidelines to Support Country Reporting on the Sustainable Development Goals
Need to Act?
The following structure is suggested for a national SDG report that results from a National follow up and review:
- Introduction: This can set the context, state the purpose, describe the structure and provide a summary overview.
- Tracking" progress: This can identify where the country is on track, slow or falling behind in achieving national targets; compare national progress with that of countries at a similar stage of development and circumstances; and assess national progress in light of the global targets.
- Assessing means of implementation: This section can assess means of implementation—such as domestic resource mobilization, external resource flows of different kinds, access to external markets, access to technology and life-saving medicines, etc.—as well as the overall domestic and global economic environment. In particular, the section can examine how integrated the means of implementation are, relate them to the extent of progress, and discuss impacts from the domestic and external economic environment.
- Analysing thematic issues: In light of the integrated and indivisible nature of the SDGs, this section can cover thematic issues with crossAcutting implications—such as inequality and discrimination, gender equality, the situation of children and youth, peace, climate change, food security, the data revolution, people’s participation, poverty, etc.—and relate global/regional issues to the national context.
- Evaluating policies and strategies: This section can scrutinize policy gaps and deficits in national strategies, especially in terms of their integration of different elements of the 2030 Agenda and emphasis on targeting those furthest behind. It may draw on lessons from other countries facing similar development stages and circumstances.
- Concluding with recommendations : This final section can synthesize findings and offer possible policy options and strategies to accelerate progress.
- Statistical annexes: These can include basic data, their sources and definitions (metadata), as well as discussions of methodologies. A section assessing data availability and discussing plans to work on data gaps can also be optionally included.
Call to Action - #ACT4SDGs
If you have suggestions for improving existing templates, or for sourcing content for specific chapters, let us know also.
#crg4VNR - Common reporting guidelines for voluntary national reviews
- #vnr01 - Opening statement
- #vnr02 - Highlights
- #vnr03 - Introduction
- #vnr04 - Methodology and process for preparation of the review
- #vnr05a - Creating ownership of the Sustainable Development Goals
- #vnr05b - Incorporation of the Sustainable Development Goals in national frameworks
- #vnr05c - Integration of the three dimensions
- #vnr05d - Leaving no one behind
- #vnr05e - Institutional mechanisms
- #vnr05f - Structural issues
- #vnr06 - Progress on Goals and targets
- #vnr07 - Means of implementation
- #vnr08 - Next steps
- #vnr09 - Conclusion
- #vnr10 - Annexes
- #crg4VSR - Common reporting guidelines for Voluntary Stakeholder Reports
- Event Template
- IATI Organisation
- Interaction Template
- National SDG Report Template
- NGO Report Template
- Review Report Template
- Wiki page template