Name: IATI Organisation standard
Reference: Organisation Standard (IATI)
Need to Act?
If your organisation is active in the area of international aid, but not yet publishing its data with the IATI standard (see IATI Registry) then consider doing so. See Preparing your organisation.
The IATI organisational standard is used to describe one or more organisations involved in any stage development cooperation (funding, implementing etc.).
It is designed to report forward-looking aggregate budget information for the reported organisations, and planned future budgets to recipient institutions or countries.
The IATI organisational standard is also used to report links to relevant public documents.
Organisations publish this data in an organisation file.
It is expected that every organisation publishing IATI data should include one organisation file, which is updated at least annually.
Three types of organisation:
- reporting-org - the organisation publishing the data within the organisation file.
- iati-organisation - the organisation that the data is about
- recipient-org - the organisation in receipt of budgets specified in recipient-org-budget
Further details: Type of Organisations
Three types of budget (all relate to the specific iati-organisation being described):
- total-budget - total annual planned budget of the iati-organisation.
- recipient-org-budget - budget for disbursements to another organisation.
- recipient-country-budget - budget for each country in which the iati-organisation operates.
Further details: Budgets
The standard has been used by over 250 organisations, as can be seen in the IATI Registry.
Call to Action - #ACT4SDGs
More aid organisations use the IATI Standard.
#crg4VNR - Common reporting guidelines for voluntary national reviews
- #vnr01 - Opening statement
- #vnr02 - Highlights
- #vnr03 - Introduction
- #vnr04 - Methodology and process for preparation of the review
- #vnr05a - Creating ownership of the Sustainable Development Goals
- #vnr05b - Incorporation of the Sustainable Development Goals in national frameworks
- #vnr05c - Integration of the three dimensions
- #vnr05d - Leaving no one behind
- #vnr05e - Institutional mechanisms
- #vnr05f - Structural issues
- #vnr06 - Progress on Goals and targets
- #vnr07 - Means of implementation
- #vnr08 - Next steps
- #vnr09 - Conclusion
- #vnr10 - Annexes
- #crg4VSR - Common reporting guidelines for Voluntary Stakeholder Reports
- Event Template
- IATI Organisation
- Interaction Template
- National SDG Report Template
- NGO Report Template
- Review Report Template
- Wiki page template