Blog - #crg4VSR
Name: Blog
Need to Act?
- Provision of content in locally used languages.
- Use of your blog in the voluntary reporting (#crg4VSR) for the sustainable development goals (#SDGs).
A blog is a discussion or informational webpage consisting of discrete text entries ("posts"), by one or more authors.
Posts are typically displayed in reverse chronological order, so that the most recent post appears first, at the top of the web page.
Blogs are usually the work of a single individual, or of a small group of authors.
Personal use, for instance for reporting about challenges and achievements on your "life or business" journey, a pico journey or the micro journey of a small business, school, library, or topic group.
Call to Action - #ACT4SDGs
Recommended are:
- Adoption by individuals, small businesses, locally operating NGO's, schools, topic groups.
- Embedding a Twitter timeline for #tagcoding hashtags.
- See blogger
- Access to Research for Development and Innovation (ARDI)
- Actant Dictionary
- Actor Atlas
- Appropedia
- Blog - #crg4VSR
- Carbonn Climate Registry
- Citeulike
- Constraint Dictionary
- Country Crop Knowledge Bank
- Entity Dictionary
- EuroVoc
- Geohive
- Global Design Database
- IATI Datastore
- IATI Registry
- Indicator Dictionary
- Interaction Dictionary
- Online content and encyclopedia gaps
- Plantwise Knowledge Bank
- SCP Clearinghouse (Sustainable Consumption and Production)
- Scribd
- Social capital wiki
- United Nations Bibliographic Information System (UNBIS)
- Wiki
- World wide web