All content actants
Content Actants
- Access to Research for Development and Innovation (ARDI)
- Actant Dictionary
- Actor Atlas
- Appropedia
- Blog - #crg4VSR
- Carbonn Climate Registry
- Citeulike
- Constraint Dictionary
- Country Crop Knowledge Bank
- Entity Dictionary
- EuroVoc
- Geohive
- Global Design Database
- IATI Datastore
- IATI Registry
- Indicator Dictionary
- Interaction Dictionary
- Online content and encyclopedia gaps
- Plantwise Knowledge Bank
- SCP Clearinghouse (Sustainable Consumption and Production)
- Scribd
- Social capital wiki
- United Nations Bibliographic Information System (UNBIS)
- Wiki
- World wide web
#crg4VNR - Common reporting guidelines for voluntary national reviews
- #vnr01 - Opening statement
- #vnr02 - Highlights
- #vnr03 - Introduction
- #vnr04 - Methodology and process for preparation of the review
- #vnr05a - Creating ownership of the Sustainable Development Goals
- #vnr05b - Incorporation of the Sustainable Development Goals in national frameworks
- #vnr05c - Integration of the three dimensions
- #vnr05d - Leaving no one behind
- #vnr05e - Institutional mechanisms
- #vnr05f - Structural issues
- #vnr06 - Progress on Goals and targets
- #vnr07 - Means of implementation
- #vnr08 - Next steps
- #vnr09 - Conclusion
- #vnr10 - Annexes
- #crg4VSR - Common reporting guidelines for Voluntary Stakeholder Reports
- Event Template
- IATI Organisation
- Interaction Template
- National SDG Report Template
- NGO Report Template
- Review Report Template
- Wiki page template
#crg4VNR - Common reporting guidelines for voluntary national reviews
Actant Information Included
For each actant in the dictionary, a pattern is provided.
These parts are included for each actant:
- a name and reference part;
- a description
- the geographic areas for which the actant exists
- AS IS part
- TO BE part (if improvements to the actant are required and possible)
In the AS IS and TO BE part, the content options for the actant are compared. It contrasts the prevailing practices with a situation in which use is made of the systematized content commons. An estimate of content semiotic performance is based on the principles explained in Content (
The extra attention dedicated to the semiotic performance of content is because overcoming inefficiencies in knowledge markets1 is a main driver for creating systematized public content2.